The accommodations and support services offered to individuals with disabilities is only part of the equation. Businesses can also have resources to support the employment of people with ASD. The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is a leader in providing services and support. In addition, the ODEP has a branch dedicated to federally-endorsed, effective hiring practices for people with disabilities that goes by the name EARN (Employer Assistance and Resource Network) (EARN, n.d.). EARN’s mission is to develop employment policies and practices through research (EARN, n.d.).
The U.S. Business Leadership Network (USBLN) is a national non-profit organization, formerly overseen by the federal government, dedicated to recognizing businesses that successfully integrate individuals with disabilities into the, “workplace, supply chains, and marketplaces” (USBLN, 2013). The USBLN is a members-only website that provides businesses with learning opportunities such as webinars, networking events, mentor programs and panels to improve inclusion and retention rates of individuals with disabilities (USBLN, 2013). Businesses are also encouraged to submit their case studies and successful program models to share with other businesses (USBLN, 2013).
Diversity Inc. is another members-only resource, but includes diversity based on gender, race, age, sexuality, culture and disabilities. Diversity Inc. is used by corporations seeking access to inclusive business practices. It offers members best-practice solutions, case studies and information on current research on diversity inclusion (Diversity Inc., n.d.). Diversity Inc. also ranks corporations based on metrics to determine the leading businesses fulfilling their commitment to diversity (Diversity Inc., 2013). Each year they reveal a top ten list that reflects companies who outwardly recruit, retain and promote people with disabilities (Autism Speaks, 2013).
Think Beyond the Label is a resource that offers free, non-member services. Initially a campaign by the Health & Disability Advocates, the organization has extended the campaign indefinitely to offer businesses free tools, news updates and explanations addressing financial concerns of companies hiring and retaining employees with disabilities (Health & Disability Advocates, 2012). Think Beyond the Label offers comprehensive materials that debunk myths using credible sources (Health & Disability Advocates, 2012).